Friday, February 4, 2011

Judge holds Obama Administration in Contempt

A New Orleans Judged ruled late on Wednesday that The Obama Administration acted in contempt by continuing its deepwater-drilling moratorium after the policy was struck down.

While the drill-ban policy is no longer formalized, Gulf State lawmakers and offshore drilling interests have accused the Department of Interior for continuing an informal "de facto" ban by not issuing deepwater drill permits. Not a single deepwater permit has been issued in nine months by the Department. The Judge also ordered the government to pay the legal fees of Hornbeck Offshore Services LLC, which filed the initial lawsuit.

Once again the Obama Administration shows complete disregard for the law and is holding American prosperity hostage in order to further his nonsense agendas - in this case his anti-drilling green agenda. As a result of the moratorium thousands are out of work, gas and oil prices are rising, and America is increasing its dependence on oil from the ever unstable Middle East.

Clearly, these ultra-partisan policies are hurting our nation and are something the electorate didn't bargain for in 2008. The Obama Administration's disregard for common citizens and Court rulings seems to be a running theme these last few years.

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