Thursday, February 3, 2011

Senate Votes Down Obamacare Repeal!

The Senate on Wednesday voted against repealing the health-care overhaul. It was a strict party line vote, 51-47 with Democrat Mark Warner of Virginia and independent Joe Lieberman of Connecticut absent for the vote.

51 Democrats once again voted against the will of the American Public. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows 55 percent of likely voters favor repeal of the health care law, while 40% oppose repeal. Not only did the Democrats go against public opinion, they completely disregarded the Florida Court ruling earlier this week declaring the bill unconstitutional.

One good thing did come of this, however. The Senate voted 81-17 to remove a piece of the law that calls for businesses to file a 1099 tax form when they pay a vendor more than $600 in a year.Such a form would have plagued businesses with unnecessary paperwork. 

Now that the repeal is voted on, we know who the targets for 2012. Every Democrat Senator up for reelections needs to go!

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